This isn’t about restriction or deprivation. It’s about the freedom to choose, moment by moment, whether that drink truly aligns with your long-term goals.  

Ready to shift from autopilot to intentional living? 

Your journey to a more mindful, balanced relationship with alcohol starts here.

What's included:

  • Audio version of Breaking the Bottle Legacy: How to Change Your Drinking Habits and Create a Peaceful Relationship with Alcohol.  
  • 30-Day Companion Guide for implementation
  • 30 daily emails including reading guide, worksheets and mindset upgrades.
  • 4-S New Belief System Video Training Series

"Great course. Thanks for offering!"


"I really appreciate the fact that you are not starting with a 30-day break because that is a stumbling block for me that has kept me in "prison." Everyone's open door looks unique and mine involves finding evidence that my drinking habit is changing in a slow, calm, day-by-day way."

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Drink-Less Success$59

  • Total payment
  • 1xDrink-Less Success$59

All prices in USD